Who We Are

We are a relational group of people that is increasingly growing both within the nation of Australia and into the nations as we connect with others in the Kingdom.

We are unashamedly passionate about living wholeheartedly for God, to see HIS KINGDOM come and to see the Body of Christ from a place of first love, released to be the Bride that made herself ready.

We want to see ‘normal’ reclaimed.  Today it is normal to get up on a Sunday and ‘go to church’, and then go home and live your life during the week and do it all again and again and 52 weeks later, the year has gone with little change.  This however is not normal according to God, this is living below our potential, purpose and destiny in Him.

It was normal in the Bible for people to be saved daily; it was normal for people to regularly have meals together; it was normal for people to share possessions and goods with those in need; it was normal for healings; it was normal for signs and wonders; it was normal for people to be overwhelmed with a sense of God’s love and Presence; it was normal for the Holy Spirit to move mightily; it was normal to worship beyond a song.  This is ‘normal’ Christianity and we believe that hearts are returning in these days all over again.

This is what we desire to see again here in Australia and surrounding nations.  God is stirring many to see a greater manifestation of His Kingdom, and we are but one group who desire to see His Kingdom come and Him glorified as we return to being ‘normal’.

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