
Restoration Centre Bundaberg was officially launched on Sunday 18th September 2016, however months of prayer and worship and relationship building occurred beforehand.

Whilst we hold a Sunday gathering, we see the church as an organic living community that cannot be confined by a Sunday meeting alone.  Thus we hold prayer gatherings, home gatherings as well as look to intentionally go and show our city both the love and power of Jesus.  We desire to see every Christian in a place as a minister of reconciliation, where they make a difference in their sphere of influence weekly.

This is a journey, a journey where we need to  keep seeking the Lord and look to do what He says, and not necessarily what tradition says.  We believe that these days are days of a new wineskin, and thus we cannot keep doing what we have always done, nor do the new thing the old way.  We value the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the manifested Presence of God.  We need to let Jesus build His Church.

We have ministry teams that have developed over time and seek to truly equip the saints for ministry 24/7.

Sunday Gatherings – 4 Tantitha Street, Bundaberg, 10am.