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or follow us on YouTube at Restoration Centres International.



About The Ministry

Our Community

We are a Kingdom-minded community and network that desire to see people walk in intimacy and fellowship with God and one another.  We are a Kingdom-minded community and network that desire to see ALL people walk in their destiny and purpose in God.  We are a Kingdom-minded community and network that desire to bless and encourage ALL other households of faith, regardless of denomination or geographical location.


Ministry & Mission

As leaders our hearts are fathering hearts – rather than trying to get people on board with our vision, our hearts are to release people into their vision, purpose and destiny in Christ… it is time for it to be about everyone and not just a few, it is time for an army of spirit-filled and love filled people to arise.  We want to see every Christian engaged in effective ministry where you know that you’re doing a greater work, in line with God’s call on your life.


Our Local Hub

We are a relational group of people that is increasingly growing both within the nation of Australia and into the nations as we connect with others in the Kingdom.  We are unashamedly passionate about living wholeheartedly for God, to see HIS KINGDOM come and to see the Body of Christ from a place of first love, released to be the Bride that made herself ready.  We want to see ‘normal’ Christianity that we read about in Acts reclaimed.


Latest Messages

Sonship – The Love of God at Work

By , September 15, 2024 11:00 am

The God of the Breakthrough

By , September 8, 2024 11:00 am

Sonship – The Heart of the Father

By , September 1, 2024 11:00 am

Senior Leaders

Restoration Centres is a vision that Tim & Bonny have held for a long time in their heart.  They believe that God is moving powerfully to see both restoration and reformation.  Restoration of people’s lives, relationships, marriages, health, dreams etc. which leads to reformation, both within the Church and society.  Relationship is central to all we do, as we see leadership as spiritual fathering rather than titles and administrative.

Locally we are a gathering of God’s people where family begins and vision never ends… and where we celebrate the life and freedom we have in Jesus and desire to walk in that in our everyday lives.  As a family we are committed to showing the love of Christ to our nation and the nations. We believe in the city wide church and that we can walk together for the expansion of God’s Kingdom.

We are on a journey into the more – we are not content with just getting on the merry-go-round of weekly church that is filled with programs and has a resemblence of God but denies His power.  We are not content to just sing songs, but not walk out the words.  Neither are we content with hearing many messages but never being transformed.



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